Odds Review: Week Ending 06/03

We’re deep into the season now and it’s been another busy week in the Eurovision world. To tackle our new entrants first, The Netherlands have made the biggest splash which isn’t saying a lot settling in the mid 40s after somehow reaching 200+ not long after release. Montenegro also reached 200+ but unlike S10 have not stopped drifting yet and won’t. Germany’s choice of Malik Harris or Denmark’s of Reddi has not seen them move from the depths much whilst Romania are now ‘just’ 880-1 or so rather than the 1000+. A small win I guess. France briefly caused some interest before being sent back to the rough 40-50 range they were in before their selection which seems about right.

Elsewhere, Switzerland have moved back down the pile with the first word coming out of their camp being disappointing. Belgium have took their place as the internal selection attracting some cash. More is known about the intentions of The UK with the pretty open secret of ‘Spaceman’ rocketing them up the odds to 5th. Optimistic. Greece just about sneak into 3rd as we await their official release as more Anders worries see Sweden fall. A lot of these moves seem to be clutching at straws and hoping for the worst with the run away top two.

Speaking of them, Ukraine are the third country to top the odds in one of these jumping past Italy with the war still going and public support still high. Appearances from Jamala across national finals has already brought the issue further into the Eurovision spotlight but the issue of participation is still shaky to say the least.

The next week is our busiest yet and could complete the field. Our final finals take place in Sweden, Iceland and Portugal whilst we get at least 4 internal releases (Switzerland, Cyprus, Belgium, Greece). I’d advise Austria and The UK to get on with it as we know what’s coming leaving just the Caucasus trio who may be tempted to wait it out to be last. Unless Malta change their song…


Odds Review: Week Ending 20/03


Odds Review: Week Ending 27/02