Serbia 2021- Hurricane with ‘Loco Loco’

Serbia’s Hurricane are back looking to sweep away the competition and in ‘Loco Loco’ they have delivered exactly what is expected:

No-one can be disappointed with ‘Loco Loco’. This is Hurricane and that’s what they do and to the standard they do it. Saying that, I don’t see this doing quite as well with the televote as with ‘Hasta La Vista’, it’s a similar level but there’s less of a hook. Serbia might need to go big with the staging to compensate.

The juries are a lost cause here and all Serbia can really hope is that they have them as 11th-13th or something and not in the bottom three. That will probably come down to what the likes of Austria, San Marino, Poland, Georgia and Latvia have and what Portugal select. Should they impress somewhat, this could get cast adrift more than I make it right now.

Serbia have certainly had more favourable semi finals and being in the first half along with Moldova is not much help. Although we haven’t heard the entries yet, San Marino could get in the way too, and this will also need to be spaced apart from Greece. I think ‘tricky’ is the word for this draw.

For me, Serbia are more out than in and ‘Loco Loco’ could be the fan favourite that is left behind, although there are more question marks above some of the countries in here compared to semi 1.

Should Serbia scrape through the semi, they’ll not embarrass themselves in the final when their wider bloc and diaspora support can kick in more.

Personal Rating: 6/10 Competitive Rating: 6/10 Early Prediction: Semi Two 9th-13th, 15th-20th in the final if it qualifies.


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