Russia 2021- Manizha with ‘Russian Women’

Following Russia’s hastily put together national final, Manizha will represent the country in Rotterdam with ‘Russian Women’.

There’s a lot going on here and the entry certainly keeps your attention for it’s full run time. The biggest similarities are with Poland’s ‘My Slowanie’ of course, but going further back it reminds me also of ‘Hora Din Moldova’ and on some levels and I guess thematically too ‘Ovo Je Balkan’.

It’s not really a song aimed at non-Russian speakers and whatever they’re going for in terms of a feminist theme, or non-slavic/ Western Russian representation might be lost. In fact, the use of the term ‘Russian Women’ in a way alienates this from parts of the televote- this may come across as a song by Russia, for Russia and about Russia. I’m also seeing online not the greatest reaction from Russians to this. Part of that is the disappointment at no Little Big but I’m not certain the diaspora is going to fully get behind this, despite that being the demographic this is most heavily targeting.

I do worry too about the juries going for something ethnic and half rapped, there’s precedent both ways but unless the feminist message really comes across this might struggle with them.

There is however room for an engaging stage-show here much more than there is for a middle of the road entry such as Ireland in the same half of this semi. In general, Russia is also very much the sort of country to turn up at first rehearsals and make us think “what were we worrying about” which is a big plus for this one's chances.

The first question is qualification which looks does however uncertain for Russia. We’re waiting on the 3 minute cut for Ukraine, but right now and with their later draw, I think they are much more able to grab neutral votes. Now this does stand out, and is in the weaker first half of the semi with only Lithuania and whatever Sweden send looking any good, but there’s a lot to follow this.

Belarus are very useful to have here, Azerbaijan and Ukraine will be helpful too, but then beyond a bit on the Lithuanian televote are Russia going to pick up big points from anywhere? This is borderline. Should Russia reach the final they’ll do fine and won’t suffer the drop countries with less support would.

Personal Rating:8/10 Competitive Rating: 6/10 Early Prediction: Semi One 8th-12th, 11th- 15th in the final should they qualify.


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