Estonia 2021- Uku Suviste with ‘The Lucky One’

After finally winning Eesti Laul last year, Uku Suviste has gone back to back and will represent Estonia with ‘The Lucky One’:

The song is an undoubted step up from ‘What Love Is’ and presents to Estonia a good chance of qualifying that they would not have had last year. For better or worse, this has the hallmarks of the dream team much more than the insipid attempt last year.

There’s nothing original here, but its a good enough three minutes and Uku is a good enough presence. We do edge on to middle of the road territory but I feel there’s just enough here to pick up a decent televote and jury. Despite some tinkering between the semis and final of Eesti Laul, the staging still isn’t quite coming together for me but there’s a concept there and plenty of time to improve and refine it.

A first half draw is not ideal but the semi is not looking too hot at the moment. On previous form, this should have enough to qualify, particularly if we see a bit of a dream team voting bloc with Greece and Moldova, two countries whose scores are often a bit suspect. Latvia and Finland are also good company to have. I don’t see this having much issue at all in that semi final all things considered.

In the final this is unlikely to do anything with an early draw spelling trouble and I provisionally have it pencilled in for around 20th, although this could end up doing better than expected there too.

Personal Rating: 4/10 Competitive Rating: 6/10 Early Prediction: Semi 2 5th-9th, 17th-22nd in final


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