Armenia 2024: Ladaniva with 'Jako'

Armenia are one of many this year opting for something more diverse and culturally relevant with Ladaniva ticking both those boxes very well:

Armenia are always one of my first picks when blind backing with the typical 40-70s a bit insulting to their output but I have to admit, when Ladaniva's name first entered the rumour mill and again upon confirmation I was glad to be able to offload, particularly when it emerged they were basically using an album track from last year.

'Jako' feels a bit of a missed opportunity for Armenia and Ladaniva and feels too lightweight. Yes, there is room for a bit of fluffy, unserious, ethnic flavoured fun but I do fear this lacks the necessary impact to stand out in the contest, in contrast to Greece's 'Zari' if we are to find a comparable entry for this. There are some nice callouts and chances for audience interaction giving this a good atmosphere but this also floats by and doesn’t linger long in the memory despite being very repetitive.

Armenia are pretty good at the visuals but this is the first time they have took an approach like this being more accustomed to the dramatic and brooding. Perhaps they can do a swapsie with Moldova's delegation? Jaklin appears quite charismatic and a good performer and this should be treated as a solo effort with our man Louis taking a backseat with any backing dancers/other instrument players - It is essential to fill the stage for this one. Being well under 2 minutes, there is time available for Armenia to do something novel perhaps and that will be worth keeping an eye on.

Armenia look bang in the middle of semi final 2, not likely to challenge for a place but being pretty secure in qualifying - c.80 pts. It is a very good semi for them despite the first half draw. In the final, points from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the smattering of diaspora should lift this clear of the bottom 5 where the juries could have them. every so often an entry like this just lands with the televote so it’s possible this exceeds those expectations but as mentioned it doesn’t look like the ideal year for that.

The small possibility of Azerbaijan '“trying something” shall we say before the end of May should be noted given market fears of and eagerness to find a 'sympathy vote', although Armenia is generally overlooked also on the international stage.

Personal Rating: 6/10

Competitve Rating: 6/10

Early Prediction: Semi Final 2 6th-8th, 17th-21st in the final


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