Odds Review: Week Ending 16/04

It’s been another 2 weeks since our last update and time to check on the market with a good sample size of OGAE voting and pre-party performances.

On the former, I think it’s safe to say there’s few surprises in fan tastes so far. From notable countries, perhaps Spain is underperforming whilst Israel may also be expected to have gathered a few points more but Sweden leading is as expected. Preview party reception has been rather kinder to Blanca Paloma and coupled with some even more off-key performances from Norway’s Allesandra (think ‘just do it for your lover’ vocal moments) has seen these two swap in the odds. Elsewhere at the top Finland have now established a clear lead over Ukraine as Loreen’s main rival.

We’ve also seen several first performances over the last few weeks with Austria perhaps the most revealing with Teya and Selena carrying more unknowns than the likes of Brunette, Voyager, Andrew Lambrou and Iru. All of these semi 2 hopefuls turned up decent showings.

Joining Czechia and Norway however in criticism corner is our other more sensible duet from The Netherlands who are seeing themselves slip into 11th place in the semi 1 betting. Much work is needed.

The preview shows bobbing around haven’t thrown up much worth mentioning except more concerns for Israel and some love for Switzerland- contrasting outcomes for two highly regarded entries on this site. I’ll assume the Icelandic panel who currently have Croatia at the top of their rankings were smoking crack… The more important eurojury will doubtless start shaking things up more with a very open looking lineup behind Sweden.


Odds Review: Week Ending 23/04


Odds Review: Week Ending 02/04