Odds Review: Week Ending 10/04/22

I’ve took a little break from these weekly reviews with following the end of selection season, mainly with not a great deal to update on. Our top 4 remain the same in the odds and have strengthened their position. Ukraine remain favourites and have joined in with the ongoing pre parties on the route to an appearance in Turin. Italy’s 3 minute cut was finally released and it was always going to be a tricky one. It does lose something in chopping the last chorus therefore shuffling the rap bridge further towards the back end. The leading female ballads from Greece and The Netherlands have had a bad few weeks in the odds whilst Spain has jumped back up. Switzerland has some love and climbs to 10th despite sitting near the bottom of most fan polls but is one of few exceptions in a general drift of the outsiders.

Preview parties haven’t answered too many burning questions except for reinforcing doubts over Austria who have took a big hit in all markets. Likewise, the OGAE and INFE voting currently underway is so far so predictable with Sweden, Italy and Spain off to the best starts. The more useful Eurojury will soon be underway with the main focus on Ukraine’s results.


Odds Review: 25/04/22


Odds Review: Week Ending 20/03