Odds Review #4: Week Ending 28/01

Well it's been a busy week in the betting world with three runs on the exchange. Lithuania had a brief jaunt to single figures for reasons unconfirmed - less simple joy and more simple minded it would seem. Georgia have also gathered some backing as they continue their internal song search but of course the main talking point has been Iceland in having a Palestinian in the running pushing their odds below the 5 mark for a day. I was cautiously sceptical about this and the assumption an instant 400 televote pt domination of the narrative was incoming, but I think we can be more bullish following the release of Bashar Murad's songvakepnin contender. A toe tapping generic pop song with Achille Lauro (SM 2022) lite styling was not on any backers Wishlist1. Knowing Iceland's tendencies, it probably comes through still so we'll save further discussion for then. 

We do have two confirmed entries with Ireland going for Bambie Thug and Luxembourg opting for Tali. Neither are winning contenders although Ireland have seen a push into the 20s. Serbia's song reveal has seen them drift straight past the 100 mark. I'd suggest 'Ramonda' has some potential as one of the better female ballads floating around but a case for Belgrade 2025 is hard to mount. Denmark unsurprisingly have nothing at all worth picking out from their released entries.

And actually, that's pretty much all we have baring the confirmation Romania won’t be in which is a shame but also irrelevant to these discussions, I guess the whole Iceland/Palestine business created a false illusion of talking points. 

Next week could prove a key one in the season with Ukraine who hold onto favouritism in these weekly check-ins selecting. That seems less a question of if 'Teresa and Maria' comes through and more how well it's performed. Norway, Spain and Malta also select whilst Melodifestivalen begins in Sweden which will be covered as usual. For those interested the Luxembourg review will arrive tomorrow and I'll look to get an update on Italy's SanRemo by Wednesday. 


Odds Review #5: Week Ending 04/02


Odds Review #3: Week Ending 21/01