Odds Review #3: Week Ending 21/01

There’s not been a lot to move the top of the market this past week, although Ukraine have indeed crept into 1st position, so hopefully we can fly (on a step machine) through this roundup.

Finland have finished the drip feed of their entries which has ended them up around the 40s mark with consensus being even the better entries won’t challenge for the win. Sara Siipola, Mikael Gabriel and Nublu and Windows95man seem to be the early domestic favourites with Cyan Kicks perhaps in with a shout too.

Germany and Portugal have revealed their national final entries with Ryk keeping Germany around 30 whilst nothing has gathered much momentum in Portugal. Both can be unpredictable selections so will be one to revisit, but again are seemingly short in terms of the winner search.

Eesti Laul began over in Estonia with both runaway favourites OLLIE and 5miinuut/puulup on display. The latter would have more potential but needs some serious work. MGP in Norway resulted in a big shortening of Gate to win through there with unquestionably the performance of the season so far. Super Rob and Erika simultaneously ruled themselves out of the win there, with other favourites Keiino to come next week. Norway have crept back down in the betting following these developments to high 20s.

Slovenia gave us Raiven’s entry for Malmo which has had a mixed reception amongst fans and a middling one from us betting folk with the win ruled out at c.400-1. My thoughts are here. Finally Austria gave us the name that was known to many in Kaleen. Choosing to release ‘We Will Rave’ only in March promptly led to a loss of patience and the leak. Again, they’re not seen as a contender despite many enjoying this throwback- erm, allegedly it’s a throwback- I wouldn’t know.

Next week see’s Ireland’s and Luxembourg‘s one and done national finals. Expect I’ll give a full preview on Eurosong whilst the equally creatively titled ‘Luxembourg Song Contest’ will be a watching brief only. Denmark present their entries for the inferior MGP with Basim and Aura Dione headlining the (rumoured) lineup. Perhaps the biggest hope of something to shake up the market will come from Serbia - names are known already and songs will follow on Thursday.


Odds Review #4: Week Ending 28/01


Odds Review #2:Week Ending 14/01