Odds Review #13: Week Ending 14/04

It’s been two weeks again since our last look over the odds and in that time further live performances and polls have begun flooding in. Switzerland has solidified it’s position as favourite reaching as low as 3 a few days back whilst Croatia has also managed to regain some ground dipping back under 5s. Steady Italy remain a steady 3rd third in the odds whilst Ukraine and The Netherlands continue to dovetail around in 4th/5th. Perhaps surprisingly, Joost’s home advantage in last nights Eurovision in Concert has seen him slip back a little although it’s hard to take many positives or negatives from that showing.

Unquestionably, our big loser over the last two weeks has been Belgium with those Mustii connection issues highlighted by many of us coming to the surface. A low of 13 has become 48s matched. Personally, that 2% chance is more in line with the actual winning chances. Another entry I’m sceptical of has also had a challenging time with Austria falling deep into triple digits, whilst one I am keener than most on in Sweden has also suffered that fate. Ireland have dipped back under 100 and drifts elsewhere have seen them jump a few spots. Greece and Israel remain the two most elusive acts with Eden ‘benefitting’ from some of the events of the last 24 hours. I would seriously advise against having them red with the 30s+ cheap insurance at the minimum.

Tomorrow sees Eurojury begin which may offer Belgium and Sweden a chance to regain some ground. Logically, they will be in and around the top of the rankings there along with Italy, Switzerland and possibly France. How high Croatia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, Greece and Israel can come will be telling too.

We’ll be back next week to discuss the innevitable moves following the start of this key indicator, whilst I’ll also be putting out some semi final previews in the meantime.


Odds Review #14: Week Ending 21/04


Odds Review #12: Week Ending 31/03