Moldova 2021- Natalia Gordienko with ‘Sugar’

After the longest song reveal ever yesterday, Moldova's ‘Sugar’ was finally released:

‘Sugar’ is not a bad entry and should ensure that Moldova keep punching above their weight in Eurovision, although Kirkorov et al characteristically overplayed their hand somewhat.

Natalia is a good performer and can bring the sexiness required to sell this, without being un-likeable, which is a fine balancing act, although her styling will play a big role in that too.

The song is not as tidy as it could be, and not all the parts of it come together well with the first instrumental coming a bit too early for my liking, giving it an unfamiliar structure, but not in a good way. Being the ‘Dream Team's’ take on ‘Siren Song’ essentially means this is ‘Siren Song But 2008 style’ and Western juries will not be keen.

The ‘Dream Team’ attachment to this is important however and makes Moldova quite a strong country overall. Best Pals Romania, neighbours Ukraine, Kontopoulos’ Greece and Cyprus links and Kirkorov's ties to Belarus, Russia and Azerbaijan. Add in some potentially suspect voting and Moldova have a support base to match anyone else in the final, which they should reach.

Fokas is less consistent than he was, but we should get the standard four male backing dancers throwing shapes behind Natalia and in front of some sort of prop. Maybe a Hansel and Gretel house? Either way, it should be a distinctive performance at the least.

The female pop genre is looking to be very congested this year which may be Moldova's biggest undoing. I genuinely can't pick between this, Cyprus or Croatia right now, with Azerbaijan also rumoured down that path.

In the final, Moldova might edge a top 10 if Fokas is on form and depending on how those other listed countries turn out.

Personal Rating: 5/10 Competitive Rating: 7/10 Early Prediction: Semi Two 4th-8th, Final 9th-14th


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