Israel 2022: Michael Ben David with 'I.M'

It certainly won't be next year in Jerusalem with Israel's artist and song chosen for 2022:

I don't know what it is with Israel and making their entries as camp as possible but they're reaching new heights (or lows perhaps) this year with I.M also being the least coherent entry selected yet. This is a long and messy three minutes.

I'm assuming some narrative and backstory played out over the course of X-factor and the public were voting more for Michael than this actual song with much better options from my brief look before the final.

Juries should be putting this towards the bottom of the semi rankings and it's hard to see the televote going for it either. This is also the type of entry to test Israel's lose relationship with its most common point sources and it's in the first half of the admittedly so far awful semi 2. It's an uphill struggle and I can't see how they rescue this mess through staging, if anything they probably double down on what we already have and make this even worse.

Personal Rating: 1/10

Competitive Rating: 1/10

Early Prediction: Semi 2 14th-18th


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