Greece 2024: Marina Satti with ‘Zari’

After announcing Marina relatively early, Greece managed to avoid a leak for 99.9% of the run up to Zari’s release- she’ll now take her ethno bop to Malmo:

Like one of our recent reviews, there are similarities with the Netherland’s strategy of attempting to regain some domestic support after one of the worst years in terms of both engagement and result. Marina is the biggest name to take up the challenge since Demi (2017) and this is an unmistakably Greek entry after a few years of trying to find an international sound. Greece’s historic successes were typically based on a similar approach and this should get the diaspora on board as well as the Balkans and the East. In fact, Greece’s record with anything somewhat comparable this century is rock solid with the exception of the disastrous ‘Utopian Land’ (2016) to which this is clearly superior in every way. This is a bit of an acquired taste and many Western ears will likely perceive this too as a mess and a bit of a racket but there should be a number also drawn in with the self awareness and holiday vibes atmosphere.

To bring this review back down to earth it is time to once again remind ourselves that #JuriesExist and ‘Zari’ displays almost everything they dislike, in particular the instrumentation used. Structurally not as bad as on a first examination, the fact this is also all over the place in tempo will probably be another mark against it for them. Western, Northern and Baltic juries could be particularly dismissive. Will they reward the risk and unique approach? I have big doubts and they appear the stumbling block.

Greece do have a strong team in place for staging led by our old friend Fokas and there is a lot of potential for ‘Zari’ live. Marina herself is a strong and charismatic performer and I have no doubt will do her part whilst the overall word is good.

Semi final 2 lacks the obvious 12 points from Cyprus but Albania, Armenia, Israel and Georgia is a pretty favourable consolation and this should be qualifying without too much of a worry. I wouldn’t put the semi win beyond Greece but they wouldn’t be my first pick currently based of their first half draw and until we see the final entries here.

In the final, regional jury support and the expected strong live performance could see them into midtable with the question being how high does the televote go? There are so many countries already playing that angle this year but this does feel distinctive enough to do very well there and could enter as a fan favourite. Whilst in theory this is Italy’s ‘La Noia’ with ethnic experimentation dialled up to 11, I’m reminded in a way of Konstrakta from the dry sense in which Marina is approaching this. 5th-10th with the public feels do-able given the televote has been turning away from safer entries to which this may be compared and at the worst it should be a midtable placing with them. Last time in Malmo, Greece were able to reach 6th place with the tonally similar ‘Alcohol Is Free’. That might be a step too far to match or better in this field but this is yet another to add to the top 10 potential list. I was backing quite heavily since Marina’s announcement way back and am not quite ready to sell yet in an open year with this having potential for hype, likely entering as a fan favourite. That’s particularly the case if we are pricing The Netherlands at 14 based of regional stats with similar jury red flags.

Whatever the outcome, it’s mission accomplished for ERT in getting back in the public’s good graces after the debacle last year with the tone of that review markedly different.

Personal Rating: 9/10

Competitive Rating: 8/10

Early Prediction: Semi 2 1st-5th, 7th-11th in the final


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