Georgia 2021- Tornike Kipiani with ‘You’

Following their teaser about a week back, Georgia yesterday unveiled their entry ‘You’ for Rotterdam:

Out of all of the acts given the chance to return this year, I felt most sorry for Tornike. His entry last year was literally shockingly good, not in the sense it was going to win or anything, but expectations were rock bottom, and he delivered one of the most authentic and meaningful songs of the year.

This is a world apart and is what everyone feared the first time around. There's no passion here, no anger, Tornike looks like he's doing this because he has to and I've not seen anyone look more awkward in an official video in a long time. The call for songs rather than him writing again was a big clue something like this would happen but I’m still surprised in just how weak this is and it really does not suit his vocal range at all.

I don't mind them trying a different, more chill approach but this falls flat on its face. There are the briefest of moments where the song gets out of first gear but the damage is done by then.

There’s very little for juries here and almost nothing for the televote and Georgia are quite isolated in that semi. It's a poor effort, will not qualify and Tornike will need to try and find some energy live to at least stop this getting a really poor score.

Personal Rating: 3/10. Competitive Rating: 2/10. Early Prediction: Semi Two 13th-17th (NQ)


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