Australia 2024: Electric Fields with ‘One Milkali (One Blood)’

It’s been a few days since Australia’s plans were revealed and after many rumours this year it will be Electric Fields making the long journey to Sweden:

Well, I skipped out of sequence the other day to do the Greek review instead and then the Sweden one and there’s a few reasons for that: none of which are positive for Australia. Is anyone excited for this? There’s also just not much to say with this being what we categorise here as a ‘no-ones favourite’. I don’t mind this as a song but this is such musical filler in the grand scheme of things and Australia seem to have lost interest in their participation quickly. More to the point, SBS do not have the budget for this operation and are clearly having a hard time finding record label support, hence calling up past attempted representatives and the embarrassing lack of a proper music video in favour of an unnerving, cult vibes, lyric video. All in all, it’s hard to be too optimistic for this.

The annual question of how will Europe take to Australia seems even more relevant this year with Electric Fields and their stylings - this is an act more on the lines of Montaigne in my opinion and one that might not travel that well.

The one blessing is that the quality in semi final 1 tapers off noticeably in the second half and there is some live potential here despite the acts red flags. Despite being pretty weak this is a feel good, anthemic-lite song and it does have a bit of a niche in the semi musically. I don’t think this is quite worthy enough of a pimp slot (Luxembourg, then Finland look more likely) but this could be a welcome respite depending on how the order comes. Even then, I don’t see this higher than 9th in the semi making this borderline in the absolute best case scenario, and I’m leaning towards the out with no real points to count on. If this does sneak through, I’d expect it to be somewhere maybe just out of the bottom 5 with moderate jury support and a low televote total.

Personal Rating: 5/10

Competitive Rating: 3/10

Early Prediction: Semi 1 9th-13th


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