Odds Review- Semi Final Jury Show:09/05/22

Probably the second most valuable for posterity of these snapshots is the one just before the first live show. We’re obviously incredibly close to the event with huge money already being traded back and forth but this is when remaining assumptions and theories first get tested on the home stretch.

Ukraine show a shortening (of course) from a couple of days back but did touch a low of 1.66 pre-jury show which has since risen slightly with the already sceptical gaining further doubts over the effectiveness of ‘Stefania’ in channelling that pro-Ukraine support. Italy have bounced back into second with Mahmood & BLANCO delivering much stronger vocals and chemistry, like the San Remo winners they are- it’s almost, almost, as if the market panicked over nothing. The UK have held onto their odds well enough remaining in single figures whilst Sweden and Spain have dropped a few ticks each as punters narrow in on a consensus top 3. Greece move back into 5th surprisingly close to Chanel although this did appear to go down better with the audience than perhaps feared. In a sane world, Amanda and Poland’s Ochman would be static at 60s each but this eurovision so they will flip flop another 5 times yet. Norway remain the only other country below 100-1.


Odds Review- The Jury Final: 13/05/22


Odds Review-Rehearsals Day 8: 07/05/22