Odds Review #8: Week Ending 25/02

It’s been a busy, busy week in the Eurovision world which started somewhat prematurely with the early release of Belgium's entry resulting in a further gradual shortening in from the high 30s to lows of around 15 before drifting out a little. The review of that is here for my thoughts with the general consensus being strong jury credentials with some question marks over the televote until we see a live. Poland are not expected to challenge following their release of 'The Tower'. 

From national finals all eyes were on Dora in anticipation of 'Rim Tim Tagi Dim' and Croatia's gradual climb accelerated with Baby Lasagna's music video release before a disappointing first live. After an improved performance in tonight’s final and complete domination of the competition they have hit single figures. Staging alterations are needed but I’m not alone in having this as a challenger. France were also a winner from Dora with Slimane reminding fans of his vocal chops as the market searches for a jury winner to settle on. 

San Marino's week long extravaganza culminated with Megara claiming victory over Loredana Berte. Not one with any relevance to the outright market but a shot at qualifying.

Elsewhere Sweden are seemingly in last chance saloon next week for a winner having hit the 20+ mark after their disappointing semi 4 - in terms of both songs and national taste. There are so far some good top 10 entries in Melfest but nothing with outright chances. Portugal'‘s first festival da cancao semi final has helped them climb a few rungs but the country is still sitting 200-1+. Iceland have gained back some market support with Bashar Murad’s cowboy pop remaining in the race there whilst de-facto rivals Israel have been involved in a week long saga over lyrics in a stand off with the EBU that could culminate in withdrawal/ the boot. Out to 100+ from 14s and back down to 30s- now that’s wild Bahsar!

Taking a look in the rumour mill which we haven’t for a while, Ladaniva are no longer tipped to be the Armenia representative with Anahit Hakobyan now the name on sleuths lips. If it is her, they better hope it is not the song she is promoting for a Feb 29th release. Neighbours Azerbaijan have also seen some market support with their selection closing in on either 'ethnic trio or Aisel'. Neither excite and it’s hard to see the contest ever heading back to Baku. Our other Caucasus member Georgia continue to bounce between 20s and 50s on a twice weekly basis. My phone’s autocorrect nightmare Dami Im has been the latest name around in Australia before being denied adding to a long list of names that have been touted there whilst crumbs are slowly being put together in Switzerland, though I shan't bore you with the fandom scavenger hunt there. 

Being a leap year, February 29th has proven a popular day for releases with Cyprus and The Netherlands as well as (just the name?) in switzerland. The UK and Austria follow the next day. Of course, most people have heard 2 of these already as well as some snippets from Olly Alexander whose entry will be the most scrutinised havin already fallen from early favourite to 8th. Serbia select this next Saturday as do Iceland.

Ukraine remain at the top of the betting but move a few ticks out along with much of the market, making way for Baby Lasagna who climbs to 2nd.


Odds Review #9: Week Ending 03/03