Odds Review: Week Ending 12/02

It's been both a busy week in the Eurovision world but also a quiet one in the odds considering the arrival of so many new songs.

This is mainly due to the selection of entries considered irrelevant to the outright coming from Romania, Malta, Croatia and Latvia. Estonia and Denmark have also selected and present slightly more to discuss but rightly settle into long odds outsider territory 100-1+. The return of Marco Mengoni for Italy with (almost certainly) ‘Due Vite’ is faring the best of the newcomers in the high 20s and i’d wager the average prediction would be another 7th place for him. I'll begin clearing the backlog of songreviews from tomorrow for my full thoughts on all of these.

In the main it's another week of Ukraine shortening with them firmly under 3s now following a week of heightened media coverage. Maybe I should just have been writing ‘Slava Ukraini’ for these odds reviews over the last 2 years? Baring Norway and Sweden (who have their own Ukraine narrative going on in Maria Sur) it's a pretty ugly scene for backers of any other entry.

Next week sees the dangerous in theory but consistent underperformer Poland show their hand. Lithuania also select with a slim chance to re-enter relevancy or be written off for good. I'll go out on a limb and say Heat 3 of Melfest and the first semi final of songvakepnin in Iceland are unlikely to cause much of a stir whilst France end the week with the reveal of their entry next Sunday. We're also well into the spontaneous announcement time for a Switzerland, UK or Australia to drop something on us so expect more than that little advertised to pop up.


Odds Review: Week Ending 26/02


Odds Review: Week Ending 06/02